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Getting your bearings in digital: Where do I start?

Getting your bearings in digital: Where do I start?

So you're convinced - your team should start to develop a digital strategy. What are the first steps? Be realistic about today Not every country has the majority of the population connected to the internet. Even where the vast majority of the population is connected,...

Getting started with no-code apps

Getting started with no-code apps

Why make an app? There are many ways apps can help in your digital strategy.If your language group does not have a dedicated Bible app with menus in the language and colors and graphics specifically chosen according to their preferences, that would be a great place to...

Getting started with videos

Getting started with videos

Why make videos? Videos are a key part of digital strategies, whether it's for short-format Facebook ads, long-format YouTube videos, or how-to guides for your apps. When getting started with creating videos for your work, you need software and content. Software If...

Getting started with websites

Getting started with websites

Why a website? Digital strategies often incorporate a website, or even several websites. A site is a central component of a media to movements strategy, but you may find a site useful for other reasons as well. Landing pages for your apps A home page for your...

Managing Xcode

Managing Xcode

What is Xcode? Xcode is Apple's app building software. When you build apps for iOS with Scripture App Builder, you must build them with a macOS device, and you use (but do not interact with) Xcode - SAB uses Xcode command line tools in the background. The SAB...

About screenshots for the app stores

About screenshots for the app stores

Why do I need screenshots? When you make an app your job is half over - now that you have an app, people need to get excited about it! That means putting it on the app store in an appealing way, making a landing page for your app, and even putting ads on social media....

How to test your app on an emulator instead of a phone

How to test your app on an emulator instead of a phone

What is an emulator? An emulator is a copy of Android or iOS running on your desktop computer in a virtual machine. You can use an emulator to test your apps right on your computer rather than installing them on a separate physical device. Here you see two different...

How to reduce the size of your audio for apps

How to reduce the size of your audio for apps

Reducing app sizeGetting your apps on the app stores is important, because it greatly extends your reach - rather than passing your apps phone to phone you can access the app anywhere in the world! With apps that are heavy on audio however, it can be tough to get...